
Books on Writing

I’m not making a living as a writer. I’m not a master of the craft. My day job is that of a college instructor. I teach subjects like mass communication, public speaking, and feature writing. So, yes, I have studied writing. Over the years, I’ve read a bunch of books on writing. I can’t remember them all, but I’ll include a few here.

Currently, I’m prepping an online feature writing course. I was asked to teach it as an overload. That will make up for the money I don’t make here. I went to the local bookstore to choose a couple of good books on writing for the course. Here’s what I’ll be using this term:

I chose the two titles above because I’ve never read them before. That’s one of the perks of being a teacher. But I’ve used or read several other books on writing over the years.

There have been others, but I’m not one to keep a shelf of books. I tend to read them and pass them on. Hopefully the short list I’ve provided will give you some options if you’re a budding writer. Even if you’ve been writing for years, reading about writing is never a bad idea. – dse

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