
Moving to Music City

Downtown Nashville at Night – Photo by Dan Steven Erickson

I’m not actually moving to Nashville. But I’ll be close. I have accepted an academic advising position in Gallatin, Tennessee. That’s about 25 miles northeast of Nashville.

I’m not going with musical dreams and intentions, although I might do some side gigs. I’m going to continue to work in my 25-year career in academia. I’ll be making a lateral(ish) move from teaching to advising. That means more hours and a little less pay. But I’ll be doing something I love, serving students and community.

I’m more afraid of what I’m leaving behind.

As with any new venture, I’m a little nervous. What if I don’t like something about the region or the culture? What if the job isn’t what I hope for? Those are valid concerns. However, I’m more afraid of what I’m leaving behind.

I love Maine. I came here in time of trouble and Maine gave me refuge. If the cost of living in Southern Maine wasn’t so high, I might stay and just work part-time. But in order to live comfortably in Maine, I’d have to start stealing from my savings. I’m only 61 and not quite ready for that.

I still own a very small condo here. Two family members will be leasing the condo as I go off to Tennessee. I think the timing is right, and I’ll be coming back to visit every couple of months, but it’s still a bit scary to have 1200-miles of separation from Annie, my 19-year-old daughter. My sister was displaced from Asheville recently and will be here, too. My hope is that it will be a good thing for all of us.

This also gives me a buffer in case I decide I don’t want to renew my contract in a year. I have a feeling I will though.

Creativity beckons.

I’d be lying if I said that music and other creative ventures aren’t part of the reason that I accepted the job offer. I’ve been writing songs since I was a kid. I’ve written over 1200 songs. I write poetry and books, and I just bought a new camera, and a Gibson L-00.

I’ve never had much opportunity to live in a creative community. I spent some time in Nashville in the past. I took trips to the Music City in 1990 and 1991. I lived there for a winter and wrote songs and played with other like-minded folk. I attended songwriting venues and performed. I enjoyed those times, but was only in my mid-20s and had no money.

I went to the Rodney Crowell songwriting camp in the summers of 2022 and 2023. In 2023, I made a lot of friends at the camp and I realized how wonderful it is to be around other creative people. That’s something I’ve missed during the years raising my daughter.

There will be busy days ahead.

I’ve agreed to a start date of November 18. That’s less than a month away. That means there will be some busy days ahead. I need to get some maintenance done on the car, pack the absolute necessities, secure an apartment, etc.

When I arrive, I’ll need a new bed, and a few other things. I’ll be back up to Maine to get my pickup and smaller furnishings in December.

Even though I’m exhausted just thinking about moving again, I also look forward to the process of continuing the journey to live more minimally. I’ve been giving away a lot of stuff the last couple of years and that process will continue. Soon, I hope to have no need for a place to store excess stuff as I work toward only owning the things I really need.

If you’re the praying type, or just want to wish me the best, or offer blessings, I’ll take them. I appreciate all of you. I’ll keep y’all posted. – dse

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