
Amateur = Lover Of

An amateur, from French amateur “lover of”, is generally considered a person who pursues a particular activity or field of study independently from their source of income. Amateurs and their pursuits are also described as popular, informal, self-taught, user-generated, DIY, and hobbyist. – Wikipedia

I’ve always wondered what would happen if I were to suddenly become famous for my creative works? I’m sure there would be a big rush of adrenaline. Money would come pouring in. I could live a lifestyle that I’ve only dreamed of. But would I be happy?

Truly happy?

And more importantly, would I continue to create the same level of work as I once did? Or would I begin to create works based on what would sell?

Have you ever heard a song on the radio, watched a movie, or started reading a book, only to question the professionalism of the work? I know I have. Let’s be brutally honest here: Monetary success in any creative field is as much about marketing and luck as it is about talent.

We all know that some musical artists are just pretty faces backed by money. Some top-selling authors are simply formula writers. This doesn’t always make what they’re doing bad, but it could make it less honest. And that brings us back to the power of being an amateur.

I can’t say for sure, but I’d guess that I’ve put much more time into music and writing as many people who have been categorized as professionals. But as an amateur, I have an edge. I can do whatever I want to do.

I don’t have to satisfy producers, marketers, publishers, and record executives. Experimentation is mine for the taking. I can be forthright and honest in my creative endeavors because it’s all done for the love of the art. – dse

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