
The Big Lie

Neither success nor failure truly exist, but rather they are relative to our own hopes and desires. To believe otherwise is a big lie. We often measure our varying levels of success and failure by societal standards rather than our own. This is unfortunate. Who’s to say how many lives have been ruined by these vague and unreachable concepts of success and failure.

Here’s why you can never fail:

  1. Effort is everything. I don’t care if you came in dead last out of 10,000 people running that 5K. You still did it. That’s what counts. And what if you wouldn’t have finished? So what? You gave it your best shot. That’s not failure.
  2. If you never try, you never really wanted it. I’ve often said that the only way we can fail is to never try in the first place. I’m taking that back. It’s stupid. Actually, you can’t fail at something in which you never had enough interest or gumption to try. Case closed.
  3. Unmet goals teach us valuable lessons. Winston Churchill has often been quoted as saying, “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” It’s a great idea, but philosophically it doesn’t work. Yes, facing unmet goals and continuing anyway is a good strategy, but unmet goals are not failures. They’re just unmet goals.

Bottom line: do what you want and be happy. You can never really fail. You can have setbacks in life. Some days you might question your entire existence. But as long as you work toward the things you care about, you don’t fail.

Our entire system has brainwashed us in regard to failure and success, and it starts in kindergarten. We’ve been taught the big lie ever since. There are winners and losers, but that never equates to success and failure. Winning and losing are only for a moment. That moment passes and we move on to the next moment. – dse

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