The old door in the picture is from an old farmhouse that I once lived in Arundel Maine. I was back to visit in 2020 and found the old place abandoned and in complete disrepair. But it’s still the place I lived and loved when I was a kid, a part of my humble beginnings. This is me.
As I continue to create, I continue to become more real. It’s not as if I’ve ever been a major fake or phony, but something happens when we try to present ourselves and our work. Often, we try to present ourselves how we want others to see us. However, the trick to becoming a more authentic artist is to present ourselves as we are. This is me.
I used to blog about minimalist living, writing, and even blogging itself. I created posts that I thought people wanted to read. I used pat formulas and lists. The articles were good, but they were not really me. I wrote what I thought my audience wanted to read. I used stock photos, linked to popular blogs, and pushed newsletters all in an effort to bedazzle and get more followers. Did it work? Meh? My old Hip Diggs blog was growing, but something wasn’t right.
The truth is, all of my old blogs weren’t really me. They were me trying to attract others. My goal at this new site is simple. I want to be honest through poetry, stories, music, songs, and images. I’m not worreid about what others think. I’m just sharing myself, my stories, my life, what I do, and what I create. This is me. – dse
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