I know. Thinking can be dangerous. But I’m a writer. Us writers like to think and contemplate things. And that leads me to what I’m thinking about.
Writing Cult Boy, my rewrite of A Train Called Forgiveness, has touched a nerve. It’s making me think about some of the big stuff in life: God, family, creation, freewill, love, teaching, healing, life, and death. And that leads me to telling you this.
I’ve probably said it before, but I’m leaning toward adding a bit more of a writer’s perspective to this site. To this point, I’ve primarily written about creativity in general and about my own music. I write a few poems and an occasional piece about my life at the moment.
But I’m talking about something else. I’m talking about writing snippets from parts of my life, my story: people, places, things that happen, feelings, and that sort of stuff. Writing from my personal perspective, about the things in life that might teach us something. You might call them “shorts.”
No promises. No threats. No sudden changes. I’m just thinking out loud here. – dse