

If you do any kind of creative work, you’ve dealt with the dreaded funk. No, I’m not talking about funk music, I’m referring to that depression that comes when we avoid a creative task. And there’s usually a simple reason we get into a funk and avoid a task. The words or music just won’t come. Nothing’s flowing.

In a way, I’ve been in a funk going on four years now. But I’m not too worried about it. You see, traditionally, my first creative gig is that of the singer-songwriter. I spent most of 40 years writing and performing over 1000 songs. A few years ago, something weird happened. I all but stopped writing songs.

When I discovered electronic music production, I started focusing on composing music without words. And instead of writing songs, I started writing free-verse poetry. It’s almost as if the music and words divorced themselves, a kind of deconstruction.

In fact, I started this new website with the faith that when COVID-19 is all said and done, and life returns to a bit more normalcy, I’d start writing and performing as a songwriter again. I’ll reconstruct the old singer-songwriter in me.

Yet, currently, that songwriter funk is still lingering. What am I going to do about that? Honestly? Nothing. If there’s something I’ve learned in over 40 years of practicing music and writing, it’s this: Never try to force creativity. It doesn’t work. Just wait it out. The funk won’t last forever. I promise. – dse

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