
If you’ve followed my writing and musical journey, you know that I’ve made a lot of topical and creative changes over the past ten years. I’ve owned and operated at least ten blogs covering almost as many topics. It’s funny how life works, but everything has been leading to this, a new kind of website, a reflection of who I really am. It’s a restart. 

This is not a blog. I won’t be writing about minimalism or productivity or any topic other than my own experiences and thoughts on my own writing, music, art, travel, and creativity. Even so, posts will be shorter, and at times less frequent than you’d expect in any sort of traditional blogging format.

As I started designing this site, I also realized that I’m done with stock photography. That might mean that you’ll see more text-based information and less photos here. But in time I hope to do more of my own photography and visual designing. That may include redesigning existing album and book covers, and using my own and others’ original photography on this site. Perhaps, even some collaborations. 

What you can expect to find on this website is simple. You’ll find information about my latest music and writing. You’ll have access to selected samples of my poetry and song lyrics. You’ll find information about my live performances. I’ll share my thoughts about my creative process. And you’ll be first to know about any new written works and musical compositions of mine. In time, I might even add some merch.

This is a restart. We all need to look at ourselves, our lives, our creative projects, and restart from time to time. – dse

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