Archive Page

What can I say? I’m a sucker for an archive page.

When I started this site, I wasn’t planning on doing so much writing to the news feed as I am. Nothing is going quite as planned. But it’s okay. I think I like where this is going. I also swore to myself that I wouldn’t add an archive page to this site.

It’s a little extra work. So what? I’m going to do it anyway.

Although I’m trying to steer clear of the title of blogger since starting this site, I’ve often looked to minimalist bloggers like Leo Babauta and Brian Gardner for website-design inspiration. Most of my favorite bloggers, from a design perspective, include an archive page.

I’ve included archive pages on most of my older websites. There’s just something about that simple organization that appeals to me. It makes it easy to access all of one’s articles from a single place.

I’ve been creating an archive page in the background since I started the site. Today, it goes live. You can find it on the top menu. – dse

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