The Big Edit

As I continue to develop this new site, it’s winding up a bit different than my original vision. It’s becoming The Big Edit.

At first, I was certain I would not use this site to post essays and articles, but I’d only post occasional news about my music and writing. That’s not what’s happening. I blame it on the simple fact that I’m a true writer. I can’t not write.

When I read online essays and articles, I can’t help but notice that they are often much too repetitive, or they’re filled with a bunch of unnecessary fluff. I’m done writing in that manner.

In the near future, you’ll read some of my work that was originally posted on my old website. The difference will be simple. Most of the new versions of the articles will be half as long. And guess what? The writing will still communicate the same thoughts and ideas effectively.

So if you’ve actually enjoyed my writing, apparently I’m not done.

This is simply The Big Edit. – dse

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