I know this website is for my creative projects, but I’ve decided to make this a more personal space than any other website I’ve operated. That’s why I’m sharing a few random facts you might not know about me.
Of course, you already know I’m a creator. I’ve written books, poetry, and music for years. You can access much of my work from this site. But here are a few things you may not know about me.
- I’m a minimalist (kind of). I’m not a big fan of the term “minimalism” for living with less. I’m also not one who lives with so few items that I seem like a monk. But I have made conscious efforts to buy and own less than the average American.
- I have two daughters. One was stillborn in 2001. The other is currently 16 years old.
- I like clothes, shoes, and bags. Don’t call me a girl! I don’t have closets full of clothing, but I like clothes. I tend to buy higher quality long-lasting clothes. I enjoy travel, so I also like effecient backpacks and bags for the road.
- Photography is something I want to persue more. I’ve recently started adding occasional photos with my essays here. I’m mostly a smart-phone amateur but I’d like to take photography to another level in the future.
- I’m currently remodeling a condomimium to sell when I get a bit closer to retirment.
- I’m an avid walker and cyclist. I’ve enjoyed walking and biking since I was a kid. I’ve slacked a little on biking, but I have often commuted by bicycle in the past.
- I like vintage musical instruments. As a musician, I’ve owned and traded lots of guitars and other instruments. More recently, I’ve taken a knack to finding old vintage instruments that are priced low and need a little work. I don’t collect, but I have a few gems.
- I love to read books about music and biographies of great musicians, and I studied the life and music of Woody Guthrie in grad school.
- I have cancer. It’s not a kind of cancer that will kill me in the near future but a rare blood cancer that progresses over many years. I was diagnosed when I was 55 and I should be able to live a fairly normal life for another 15-25 years. Fingers crossed.
There you have it, a few random facts about me. Expect more personal thoughts and stories along with my creative works as I pruposely slow down my content here. That’s right. It’s all about me, wink. – dse
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