Creative Hiatus

Sometimes creativity flows over the cup. Other times it feels like you’ll never do another creative project before you die. Currently, I’m not in either of those situations. I am, however, taking a purposeful creative hiatus.

What does this mean for the website? Not a lot. I might post a little less frequently for a few weeks or a few months. Creativity is funny. Sometimes, even when we try to take a break, it keeps knocking at our door. We’ll see what happens next.

Why am I taking a creative hiatus?

In a simple word: life. I recently moved a truckload of my belongings from Washington State to Maine. I stuffed most of them in a temporary storage unit. I need to go through the stuff and sell and donate many items. Also, I’ve recently moved from teaching full-time to part-time. I’d be okay moving into “semi-retirement” or even retirement in the near future, but part of me wants to explore my options. That means I may be applying for some full-time positions.

When will I start creating again?

Honestly, I’m not really 100% stopped. I’m still writing some poetry. I’m still playing some music. I’m just putting a little less effort into creativity for a while. I want to focus on doing a bit of reading, and I’m considering buying a decent camera for taking better photos. Those things are both part of my overall creative life. But I may not record any new music or write any new books in the coming months.

I’m also hoping to do a little more local travel this summer and fall. That is also part of creativity. When we go out and take things in, we find stories and inspiration to share. Keep checking back to see what happens next. You can always listen to my songs and music, read the poetry on the site, or order one of my books from Amazon. – dse

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Author: Dan Steven Erickson

Dan Steven Erickson is a great undiscovered American songwriter.