If you haven’t noticed, I started a YouTube Channel recently. For the time being my primary purpose is simply to record and catalog hundreds of songs I’ve written over the past 40 years. Soon, I’ll be finishing up a deep dive into some of my oldest work: songs from 1985-1990. The next project will be: songs from the 2023 black ukulele project.
In 2023, I wrote 60 songs on my little black ukulele. I may not record and post all 60, but I’ll pick out some of the best of the batch. In 2023, I took that ukulele to the Rodney Crowell songwriting camp and used it as my primary instrument amongst 100 guitars. I featured my song “When Superman Dies.”
A Few Other Notes
You might wonder about songs from 2024? I did a completely different thing in 2024. Instead of using an acoustic instrument to write songs, I created music on GarageBand and roughly produced 30 songs. If you want to check those out, it’s called the Mississippi (and other demos) project, and it’s posted here and on Bandcamp.
I’m also creating lists on the YouTube Channel. You’ll be able to listen to songs in groups based on instrument, year, or style.
Finally, the 2025 Rodney Crowell camp was announced this week. Will I go? I’m not sure. I’d like to, but the cost is higher than it was in the past (less campers) and it’s during a peak time at my current job. It’s on my radar but I hope it doesn’t sell out before I can make the decision.
That’s all for now. – dse
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