Summer is quickly giving way to my favorite time of year. I love the autumn because it brings change. The trees grow bare and everything seems a little more simple, if only for a season.
I gave up four blogs and started this site a little over a year ago. Why? Because I wanted change. The goal was to streamline all my creative interests into one place. So this website became the home of Dan Steven Erickson. It includes my creative thoughts, writing, music, songwriting, poetry, books, photography, and minimalist design. Too much?
Change is a funny thing. We simultaneously fear and long for change. Dumping four blogs with several years worth of work was scary. (I did copy and save the content.) But I needed a clean slate to present my creative work in a new way. I’d grown tired of trying to sell myself as a blogger, writer, and a minimalist. This site is just me as an artist, a creator, me.
The wheels are still turning and more change is coming. Soon, I’ll begin to add some recordings of my songwriting to the mix. I’ve actually been writing songs longer than anything else on my list of creative endeavors. I get stuck at the recording and presentation of that work. That is going to change. I’ve accepted the fact that I don’t have the money, time, or equipment to make great state-of-the-art recordings. Believe me, I wish I did. However, I do have access to some basic recording equipment and have been working on some simple guitar/vocal tracks.
Change is good. Sometimes it’s hard and we have to push through, but it’s good. Check back for a new “Songs” page soon. – dse
P.S. I developed the songs page but decided to keep it more in the background. You can access it here: Songs.
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