
Water down the mountain, joker in the deck
Scraping by catastrophe, cousin’s in a wreck
People on the outside, thieves on the in
I’m stopping for a breath, you’re running again
He used to be a track star, used to be a sport
Followed him on Snapchat, laughing with a snort
Grandpa has a hernia, grandma’s in the grave
Tried to raise you right but you just misbehave

Everybody wants a piece
Everybody’s gunning
Everybody’s waiting
For the second coming
Everybody’s beautiful
Sexy, gorgeous, stunning
Everybody looks the other way
You’re still out there running 

Uncle drives a Cadillac, the faucet’s on the fritz
You’re falling into poverty, dreaming of the Ritz
Consuming more than ever, yet always getting thin
I’m looking for retreat, you’re running again
He promises percentages, pays you in pills
Graffiti tells a story, imagination kills
Doctor’s don’t give a shit, DCR’s are king
Stuck in a hamster wheel, haven’t learned a thing

Everybody has a price
Everybody’s cunning
Everybody’s waiting
For the second coming
Everybody’s innocent
Bums are out there bumming
Everybody looks the other way
You’re still out there running

Drama got the best of you
I’m turning off the show
Worthless politicians
Should be the first to go
Reading the statistics
Two more dead last night
You’re still out there somewhere
But I’m giving up this fight

Everything you touch is hot
Hear the drummers drumming
Everybody’s waiting
For the second coming
Everybody’s ignorant
I hear the blues man humming
Everybody looks the other way
You’re still out there running

Everybody wants a piece
Everybody’s gunning
Everybody’s waiting
For the second coming
Everybody’s beautiful
Sexy, gorgeous, stunning
Now I’m throwing in the towel
While you’re still out there running

Lyrics Copyright 2022 by Dan Steven Erickson