King Charlie Yesterday

A boy with a radio in Saco Maine
An old man looking for a new refrain
A headstone down near the Kansas line
A bottle of your finest will suit me fine
When I feel overwhelmed and I want to quit
I look for the answers in old classic lit
Sometimes, I still bow my head and I pray
Singing, come on King Charlie Yesterday
Come on King Charlie Yesterday  

I used to get stuck in the static noise
Searching the signs with the broken boys
Hey, look at me I’m just a radio clown
Caught in the past with my smile upside-down
I’m trading three-fifths for my last ride
Slow cancer’s better than suicide
Your signal is fading, the sky’s turning gray
Come on King Charlie Yesterday
Singing, come on King Charlie Yesterday

I know you’re out there somewhere
I know you watch over me
My father who art in heaven
Reveal your mystery
I know you’re broadcasting from up on high
I know you’re broadcasting from up on high

I’m seeking answers on the left and the right
Trying to keep from feeling too much spite
There’s always someone who comes after you
Makes me feel sorry for what I put you through
Now I’m going back from where I came
I’ve only got me and myself to blame
Still, I’ll be ready when you come my way
Singing, come on King Charlie Yesterday
Come on King Charlie Yesterday
Singing, come on King Charlie Yesterday
Come on King Charlie Yesterday

Lyrics Copyright 2023 by Dan Steven Erickson