Edward R. Murrow

When his star fell from the sky
All the TVs in the world went awry
Flickering darkness on every screen
Just a blip then back to routine

Thousands of signals all getting crossed
Until no one remembers the holocaust
Leading us, feeding us, bleeding us dry
Too many signals beneath the same sky

Friendly taps to the tick of a watch
A lit cigarette and a glass of fine scotch
But it’s a short-lived celebration
Cuz history’s repeating and Ed’s on vacation

“If you’re not confused you don’t understand”
This system is set up on sinking sand
Leading us, feeding us, bleeding us dry
Too many signals beneath the same sky

“A satellite has no conscience”
A TV screen is just a black hole
We just sit around entertaining ourselves
Until humanity loses its soul

Now time’s only told on broken clocks
“Nothing but wires in a box”
Leading us, feeding us, bleeding us dry
Too many signals beneath the same sky

Oh, this world needs another hero
Yeah, the world needs another hero
This world needs another hero like you
Another hero like you

Lyrics Copyright 2023 by Dan Steven Erickson