My YouTube Channel has been open for about 60 days now. How do I feel about that? What have I learned? Where are things going? I’ll answer those questions here.
First, let’s review why I started a YouTube channel. I simply wanted an easy way to record hundreds of songs that I’ve written over the years. So far, that’s basically all I’m doing. I think I have about 50 videos now, most of which contain a song.
How do I feel about my YouTube Channel?
Honestly, I have mixed feelings. I’m happy with my results so far. It’s not perfect and that’s okay for the function intended: to catalog songs. However, I also would like to improve the channel more. I have already made some minor improvements. But at the same time, I don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on the process.
I also question my initial concept. Yes, I still want to record and catalog as many songs as I can. And that can keep me busy for a long time to come. But another part of me wants to make an attempt to create a channel that might become more useful to larger audiences. I’ve being mulling that idea over but have not yet come to any definitive decisions or conclusions.
What have I learned?
First, just like any other online endeavor I’ve taken on over the years, gaining an audience is not easy. I’ve only gained 36 followers in 60 days. Fortunately, I started with the attitude of not giving a crap about gaining subscribers.
Second, I’ve learned how simple it is to do this. I put off starting a YouTube channel for years for fear of not being able to pull it off. I discovered that you really don’t need any fancy equipment. You don’t have to be a great public speaker or have the right personality. You simply need to be yourself, do your best, and say “good enough.” That’s a phrase I’ve slowly been using more and more in my life. Good enough.
Where are things going?
That’s the million-dollar question. And I have no answer at this time. I’ll continue to simply record songs and tell little stories about some of them. I’ll occasionally talk about writing, songs, music, poetry, books. I might even do an occasional post about life. But I sense the possibility of something more.
What would the topic be? It’s hard to explain. Minimalism, simple living, money, retirement, photography, politics, spirituality, and wisdom all seem to poke their heads into my mix of ideas. In the end, if I develop the channel beyond “songs,” I think the easiest way to define it might be “life.”
Check it out.
If you haven’t checked out the channel yet, I encourage you to do so. You can let me know what you like, what you don’t like, what might be improved. You can leave comments. You can find the channel at
Here’s the latest song/video: Home. – dse
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