
44 Lone Star Avenue

There’s a special place I know
Somewhere deep in the heart of New England
That I remember long ago
When I was knee-high to a man
I was running through the open yard
With the colors of the trees a-turning
Before the spirits took us out West
Made me a stranger in a strange land
And that made me question just who I am

So one day I went back
To that special place I knew
Where the pine and maple grow
And the rivers all run true
I saw my grandma at the door
And her love was shining through
It was 1988
Farmington, New Hampshire
44 Lone Star Avenue

But just like flowers and dreams
You know my grandma upped and died
Then her old house went up for sale
With all those old memories trapped inside

So one day I went back
To that special place I knew
Where the pine and maple grow
And the rivers all run true
But they’d changed the numbers on the street
And turned the yellow into blue
Goodbye 1988
Farmington, New Hampshire
44 Lone Star Avenue

Copyright 1989, 2025 by Dan Steven Erickson